Friday, August 27, 2010

A Quick Video Post

So we had an uninvited visitor come to our house last night. We had just returned from an evening down by the beach and met a woman who moved down here from Portland 8 years ago. I was asking her questions about Nica things (like "Do you soak your beans in tap water or bottled water?") and she advised me to invest in overpriced plastic wear to keep the critters out. She said it will cost more than your food but it's necessary. Well when we got back from the beach the kids were playing in another room and I saw a mouse crawling up the wall. I HATE rodents! Joe is also not a big fan of rodents. The video you are about to watch is not for rodent lovers....but it is hilarious! I think Bridget may be gearing up for a role in a horror movie.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little critter didn't have a chance against the Hafner Broom-Hockey Team.
