Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another quick update

Sorry we don't have pictures yet. The flight last night from Denver to San Jose was fairly uneventful. We stocked up on snacks before we left because Gus' need to eat every 20 minutes has not been stifled with travel and paying for airplane snacks is not advisable. We landed in San Jose at about 5:15AM and fortunately our room was ready at about 6:15 when we got to our hostel. I thought we would nap for a while and head down for breakfast (served from 7-10) but we didn't wake up till 11 AM and that was fine with me!

We got a recommendation for lunch at a Tex-Mex place called Jalepenos. It was a little hole in the wall place but we all found something that we thought we would like. Joey ordered a pork chop (yep, that's it) Bridget went with her standard chicken burrito and Gus ordered the buffalo chicken which was chicken in a soupy red sauce that had a hint of buffalo chicken flavor but was different. The owner asked if he was sure he would like it because it was spicy but Gus was sure. He ate almost all of it and asked if he could take the rest back to our hostel. He did require ranch for dipping (which was provided) and lots of extra water. Joe stuck with a burrito and seemed pleased and I decided to go with the quesedilla hold the meat. The menu said it came with onions and bell peppers but when I ordered it vegetarian they added broccoli and some other veggies. It was the best quesedilla I have ever had. I am not a huge quesedilla fan to begin with so I was so surprised at how good it was. The cheese was amazing and I think it made the meal. The restaurant owner is the wife of Isabel at our hostel and he was really nice. He is Columbian but moved to New York when he was in 6th grade. He sounds totally New York, which was kind of funny to hear. We stopped at McDonald's to use the bano (Gus' water consumption during lunch required it).

We walked around the city which is Alejuela, which is where the airport is, not in San Jose but close by. Joe referred to it as being like Seatac. It's a bit more urban than I am comfortable with but we are getting by. I definitely don't want to be in a big city in Nicaragua. I am getting a little nervous about traveling to Nicaragua and then trying to take local buses to get around before we do our Spanish classes. In Costa Rica everyone speaks English so it isn't an issue. Everyone seems to try to talk to Joe in Spanish first though.

We are staying Saturday night and Sunday night here and then getting on the bus on Monday morning to Nicaragua. It sounds like the bus will stop in Granada before heading to Managua so I am hoping we can stop there and and stay a night before we bus ahead to San Juan Del Sur.

I am trying to be fun loving and adventurous but walking around Alejuela is so different from what I am used to and not relaxing. I am hoping that being further out in Nicaragua will be different. But I know that we have made it this far and God is still with us so it's bound to get better. I didn't realize how much I need some space of my own and order. That is very much lacking when trying to travel with 5 people and 15 or so bags!

So I am hoping to post some pictures when it is beautiful, but here, not so much. There are cool flowers and birds but mostly a lot of cement and people. It does appear that Bridget has made a friend in the hostel who speaks English. Off to clear off the bed so I can feel good about heading out to dinner for the night.

Peace out.....

1 comment:

  1. I can see how that would be frustrating to Joe!. When my parents were stationed in Germany the locals used to insist on talking to my mom in German, going so far as to insist to my dad "the frauline understands!" No, the frauline does not understand :) but I guess she looks German (and by extension I probably do too). So tell Joe to get up to speed quick, and pretend like he is a native back with his rich beautiful American wife!
