Monday, March 7, 2011

60 days left in Nicaragua...

Wow, it's hard to believe that we have 60 days left in Nicaragua. Our 9 month trip is winding down. When we arrived here, 9 months seemed like forever. It's basically a year. We left in August and started our 2010-11 school year and by the time we leave Nicaragua on May 5th we will have completed 6th, 5th and 3rd grade (far earlier than our American school friends). WOW! A lot has happened in these 7 months and with only 60 days left we are forced to look at all we still want to do.

We still have not visited the colonial city of Leon. When talking to Nicaraguans about the city of Leon, you cannot have a conversation about the city without someone telling you that it's hot in Leon. This is alarming to me considering it comes from people who live in Granada, Managua and San Juan del Sur (all cities that I will describe as "very hot" when recalling time there to my friends). But Leon is a city I would love to visit before we leave and there is no excuse not to go since it is only a 2 1/2 hour $2 bus ride from our house. Leon is a young intellectual city with many colleges and bookstores, or so I have been told. I would definitely like to visit Leon before we leave. I am hoping for some cool photo ops...

We really NEED to go on a zip line canopy tour. You might not think of this as a need but zip lining was the selling point on this trip to our kids. We showed them videos of zip line tours and really talked it up. They were all fired up about doing it. We did not do it in Costa Rica because we were only there for 2 nights and so focused on getting to Nicaragua. We settled into San Juan del Sur for two months and spending $150 for all 5 of us just seemed extravagant and we weren't in a hurry since we have 9 months to do everything. Then we traveled to Jinotega to see if we wanted to live up north, then we moved to Matagalpa, then we visited San Juan del Sur where we were so busy we didn't have time for ziplining. And now we have settled into life in Matagalpa, had a few illnesses and all of the sudden we have 60 days to go zip lining and no zip lining prospects near home. So somehow we are going to have to squeeze it in or I will feel like the worst mother in the world. I should also point out that the kids have not mentioned zip lining for quite some time. If we didn't do it, I don't think it would harm their view of the trip but I feel like my word is on the line so we must go ziplining....

I would really LOVE to go to La Isla de Ometepe. Ometepe is an island in Lake Nicaragua. It has 2 volcanoes on it. It is definitely something to be seen. Unfortunately the logistics of getting there from here mean it is unlikely that we will make it this time. Instead of being disappointed about that, I am going to focus on the other, more feasible, things we want to do before we go and make them happen. We are already starting to think about our return visit to Nicaragua and Ometepe will have to be part of that trip.

We have met some friends, from Pennsylvania, who told us about a swimming pool not far away that is 25 meters long and clean. I don't know why but going swimming in that pool is something I want to do before I go. I have only worn my swimsuit once since we have been here at a beach outside of San Juan del Sur, though the kids got lots of swimming in there.

There are a couple of little restaurants that we have been meaning to check out. I definitely want to go to both Italian restaurants again. I still have not tried Tres Leches cake which is like "the dessert" of Nicaragua.

We have seen and experienced so much during our time here and we have also kicked back and had a lot of down time. Our kids have become amazing friends to each other. There aren't many kids around to play with in Matagalpa like there were in San Juan del Sur but we have a big backyard that the kids have been having adventures in. Most of them have been safe and sane with the exception of tether rock. They go out after lunch and just play. They really enjoy playing at night when it's dark (and cooler). I have caught Joey (12) unabashedly holding hands with Bridget or Gus as we walk around the city. The most common conflict they have is when two of them are playing together and the 3rd feels left out. I can't remember the last time someone said they were bored. They are a lot more aware of their surroundings when they are walking around. It only took Gus getting honked at and swerved around once while crossing the street to get even our "dreamiest" kid to stay alert. It's not a rosy, perfect, ideal environment here but it has been a blessing to watch our kids grow and thrive. I know we will all remember this trip for the rest of our lives but I hope that our kids remember this time as one of intense family togetherness and harmony.

My one disappointment with this trip is that I have not blogged as regularly as I hoped. I have definitely stayed in touch on FB but I wish I had a more comprehensive history. But hopefully between Joe's blog and mine and all the pictures we have taken, our history is safe.

I am really looking forward to my completed 365project. Since I started on January 1st I will have one photo each day for all of 2011. It will include five months of our life in Matagalpa, our travels back to Costa Rica, our flight back home (14 hours from take off in Costa Rica till we touch down in Seattle), the next adventure which is finding a house, car and life back in Renton, swim team, triathlons, half marathons, marathons, reunions with friends and family, meeting my new nephew (who won't be so new anymore), and any other encounters we may have between now and then. I am so excited to be able to make a photo book of what I am already planning on titling "Our Epic Year".

So there are my ramblings for today. I am going to try to do a better job of posting more frequently as we continue to live out our adventure....

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