Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions...

I am not inspired to set very many resolutions this year but there is something about a new year that makes turning over a new leaf desirable.

We have been "doing church" online every Sunday at for a while now. When we were in San Juan del Sur we tried attending a couple of local churches but the services were long and our comprehension short. The kids weren't enjoying it (and neither were we) and we didn't want them to have a bad taste about church or Nicaragua (especially so early in our trip) so we stopped trying. We moved from SJDS to stay with friends in Jinotega and had the privilege of joining them for church in their home two Sundays in a row. They had an English service in the morning and it was such a blessing to sing in English and to hear the message and understand it. They also had a Spanish small group in the evenings which we got to attend as well. We had some help translating and having the message given in Spanish by a native English speaker made it easier to understand. We had a chance to visit Granada and attend 7:00 AM Thursday Men's Bible Study which starts at 8:30 and includes women and children (I love Nicaragua!!). The Bible Study included worship, in Spanish, and a message given in English and translated to Spanish.

So when we settled into our house in Matagalpa we had had enough spiritual refilling to remember how much we missed it. Joe decided that we would watch church online every Sunday. I was less than enthusiastic because I thought we should try some local churches here, but I agreed. I was also afraid it would be hokey and there would be pressure to give financially each week (I believe wholeheartedly in tithes and offerings but I don't like manipulation). I was so pleased with the first message as it spoke right to me and where our family was (God's cool like that). The kids all sat through and listened. The message was clear and simple but deep as well. I figured we caught them on a "good week" but we watched again the next week and we all got a lot out of the message. Again, my kids were all attentive and demonstrated a true understanding of the message. And so it has gone, week after week. I have come to realize that it is a high quality, not manipulative, Christ-seeking "church" and I can stop waiting for a "bad message" and sit back relax and worship the Lord.

I never thought I would feel that way about church, where I can't wait till Sunday, when it's online, but I do. I was so excited to be able to see the "bonus" Christmas Eve service. Our family has been truly blessed and I can see continuing to watch every week, even when we are in a "real" church back home.

The beginning of a new year is a great time to start a "read the Bible in a year" plan. I know this because I have "started" one several times (always at the beginning of the year). has their own Bible software called youversion and they have lots of different translations available online as well as numerous reading plans. There are read the Bible in a year, two years, read it twice in a year, a chronological plan, a cover to cover plan, the gospels, Psalms and Proverbs, even a weekend free plan. Every plan they have can be altered to the time frame you desire. They also have a "Catch Me Up" feature that will divide up the remainder of your reading over the remaining days. There really is no excuse to fail. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon, again, and attempt to read the Bible in a year. I chose a plan that gives a mix of old and new testament and keeps my weekends free (to catch up, if I need it). I am on day 5 today (I started a little early) and I love it! I didn't read at all yesterday but I decided to read 2 days worth today. It is really manageable. Now I have 2 days off for the weekend, but I don't think I will take them off, I don't want to.

So reading the Bible in a year, I said it, now I have to do it.

I don't really have any other "resolutions" for the year. I am looking forward to living out the remainder of our trip here in Nicaragua and experiencing all that God has for me. I would like to lose weight, but I am less obsessed with food since I have been here, so I am not too worried about that. I would like to get a regular exercise routine going. But for the most part I feel very blessed. God has taken a difficult trial in my life and turned it into an adventure. My kids are doing great. My husband is happy and healthy (and 20 lbs lighter, but I'm not bitter). I am learning more and more what it means to rely on God for everything and my heart is lighter for it.

I hope 2011 is a year of good things for you and your family. Happy New Year!!

P.S. If you are interested in a Bible reading plan go to


  1. You can get our pastor's sermons online and through iTunes. Pastor Tommy is great, if I do say so myself.

  2. A very belated "thanks Lynn". I guess I don't get notified of my comments.
