Friday, March 5, 2010

Why it's important for me to run...

I was just reading an article in Runners' World (trying to finish the last issue since the new issue came yesterday) called "Hell Week; What happens when a runner-mother doesn't get to exercise her demons?" It is about a runner mom who takes a fall (involving gravel in her hair) and has to take a week off. "I sat on my son's playroom floor with my foot elevated. Instead of wondering how I'd manage my mom-duties on one foot, I fretted over how I'd find the will to fulfill them because I couldn't run with a sprained ankle. With a look of fear on his face, my husband quipped to our 4 year old, 'What will happen to us now that Mommy can't run?' That little bit really resonated with me. It brought back memories of my early training days...

I began training to run my first half marathon in July 2004. My kids were 6, 4 and 2. I ran 3 mornings a week from home (4 miles) and then a long run on Saturdays. My husband was home with the kids while I ran and he would do the breakfast routine with them on the days I ran. After running 2 half marathons and not losing any weight I decided to try walking (as some heart rate studies touted research that you need to keep your heart rate down to lose weight) and trained for a full marathon walk, I had to step up the distance too.

I went out for a walk one morning during my training and had only made it to my next door neighbor's driveway when I rolled my ankle. I limped back to my front door but I didn't open it. I thought about opening that door. If I did that I would be back on the clock with the kids. I would have to do the breakfast routine. I stood there on the porch contemplating. Then I hobbled down the stairs and started walking easily. I found that as I walked it felt better. I ended up walking my full 4 miles that morning. I also learned how important this training thing is to me and my sanity. I love my children so much but in order to be the best mommy for them, I really need to have a little time away to appreciate them.

It's been several years since that morning and I am back to running (turns out walking didn't make any difference in my weight either, probably because I was really hungry training for a marathon!). My kids aren't nearly as demanding at 11, 9 and 7 but I still find my way out the door at least 5 mornings a week. I am tracking my calories (in an ongoing effort to get the "baby weight" off) now and each workout means an additional meal which can be quite motivating! I am currently training for my 4th marathon run and after that I will go right into Half Ironman training (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run) for a race in August.

I love this hobby I have. I hope that my kids see it as a healthy part of my life. Every Saturday morning my kids are at home (usually with Grandpa) watching cartoons and being kids while mommy and daddy are laying down the miles. I am a homeschooling, stay at home mom so we have plenty of time together and running is my sanity. It keeps balance and perspective in my life. I look forward to my Saturday morning long runs with my girlfriends. We talk about everything. There is something about the passing of miles that really brings things into perspective. As a busy mom I can't imagine how I would find time once a week to spend 3 hours chatting with my girlfriends but a 15 mile run does just that. I am sure there are some people who think that my life is crazy. "She homeschools, she runs marathons, she does triathlons!" but I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for anyone's! Now I am on a quest to convince all my friends they can do it too. There really is something special about running....

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