Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another Crazy Day...

So actually posted my "Crazy Day" post today, but it actually happened yesterday but for some reason the blog site wouldn't let me post it after writing it last night. So today is a new day...but not any less crazy!


I got up this morning after less than 5 hours of sleep (my fault for finishing my movie). Got my daycare kid off to school, sat the kids down for math (first day with new curriculum) and decided to take a quick shower before we got to the rest of school. They have new math manipulatives that they are using and I saw potential for fighting over them, but I hoped they could hold it together for 5 minutes while I showered. But as I was drying off there was crying (Bridget's) and yelling (Joey and Gus') which usually means there is an actual problem if all 3 are in agreement. Apparently the crying and yelling are due to Bridget's bloody nose. Joey told me "Bridget and Gus were fighting over the manipulatives and Bridget hit herself in the nose and there's a big bloody mess all over her math book and we need you downstairs now!" OK, another great start to the day. Bridget came to my bathroom so I could assess. She indeed had a pretty monstrous bloody nose. We rinsed out a couple of wash clothes and got it to stop after about 20 minutes. I had Joey clean up Bridget's (brand new) math book to the best of his ability and we jumped back into school. (See photo: Bridget's math book is 364 pages with triple hole punches and she managed to get blood on every single page including front and back cover, both sides) Gus and Bridget are both congested at this point so school is what it is and we aren't pushing it too much. We finished up school and had lunch and then her nose started to bleed again. It was even worse than this morning and since she is congested blood and mucus was coming out. Now as a mother there is just something disturbing about seeing bloody chunks coming out of your offspring. My MIL had a similar experience with my SIL and she said it looks like their brains are coming out. Yes, very disturbing. But I know that it is mucus even though it seems more sinister, but the blood really is a lot for a 9 year old to lose. So after rinsing out the 3rd wash cloth (and giving up on eating my lunch) I decided I should at least call the doctor to see if I should be concerned or when I should be concerned. I talked to a doctor who thought that since she had been bleeding the second time for 45 minutes we should come in to the doctor's office (in 2 hours though). There are about 8 doctors at our pediatrician's office and only one I won't see, he was the only one available earlier, naturally. I decided to wait for anyone else as I figured her nose was going to stop bleeding anyway so we could wait.

So I have been dealing remarkably well with the mishaps life is throwing at me since my husband went on his trip, but this was starting to push me over the edge. We drove to the doctor's office with plenty of time. We drove around the entire parking lot twice and there wasn't a single parking spot open. So we headed to the less convenient parking garage where we found a parking spot relatively easily, finally a break. I open the back door to let Gus and Bridget out when I realize Gus has "forgotten" to put shoes on. Seriously, now?? If everything had gone well today I am sure I would have been pretty upset with Gus. But since I was already a woman on the edge it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud, deliriously, but I didn't want CPS to come so I kept my crazy on the inside. (See Photo: Gus' dirty feet at the doctor's office, even the babies there had shoes!)

So now we are home, rented some kids movies, treated the kids to Mexi Fries (tater tots to the non-locals) and I am looking forward to an early bedtime, a good book and my husband's arrival home tomorrow. Now if only I could focus some attention on this Half Ironman I am doing this Saturday......

1 comment:

  1. By the time you read this, Joe will be home. You've done a great job by yourself this week!

    I wanted to give you the URL for the blog of another friend of mine. She is a homeschool mom of 5, and she began training to run last January, so she writes about that, too. It is:
